Curriculum Planning
Curriculum Planning
Cambo First School was a Creative Partnership Change School
Many years of working with Creative Partnerships and artists has enabled staff to develop their own knowledge and skills to enhance delivery of the Curriculum pre and post 2014..
At Cambo we aim, to develop a highly enjoyable, creative curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum 2014. We try to incorporate the needs, thoughts and ideas of every learner within the planning process.
As a school we strive to provide our children with an excellent education through challenging, inclusive, engaging, relevant, meaningful, creative, broad and balanced learning opportunities. We want all of our children to perform to their maximum potential; academically, physically, socially, emotionally and culturally in an atmosphere where they can grow and acquire appropriate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. We provide a caring, nurturing environment in which every child feels valued and respected. We listen to children and offer them our honest opinions in a curriculum where every child can achieve from their own starting point.
At Cambo The National Curriculum Framework 2014 is central to our curriculum and every child is taught in line with those expectations. The curriculum in our school is planned via teachers and children. It is sequenced and progressive. Where possible a variable mixture of whole school topics, mini projects and themed days are developed, motivating and capturing the interest of our children. Rigorous teaching of discrete subject specific skills and knowledge is delivered alongside opportunities to apply those skills in a cross curricular context. We feel that this helps our children to make links in their learning. We aim for our children to have: ownership of the curriculum; to be inspired by their learning, to develop enquiring minds, a sense of their own identity and respect for other cultures
Our curriculum includes learning opportunities that are designed to support our values and reflect our local community and the interests of our children. At Cambo we believe that we can best achieve our aims by working in close partnership with families. We feel that the school is at the heart of the local community and we strive to maintain and develop as many links as possible with people around us.
At Cambo we aim to bring the wider world into our small rural school and to take the school into the wider world via visitors, creatives and visits ensuring that learning is engaging, relevant and meaningful. We believe our curriculum represents the world we live in and provides the experiences, skills and knowledge our children need to function as young people and adults in the 21st Century.
Cambo First School is part of the Font Alliance along with five other first schools and two primary schools in Northumberland.
The schools are: Cambo First School, Longhorsley St Helens CofE First School, Stannington First School, Morpeth First School, Rothbury First School,
Whalton CofE Primary School, Ponteland Community Primary School, Tritlington CofE First School, These schools are led by a group of like-minded head teachers, who want the very best for our children. The alliance provides for closer working with other similar schools, collaboratively sharing ideas and resources along with Northumberland County Council.
Cambo is part of the Morpeth Partnership. This group comprises of 17 schools with children from 2-19 years. We have strong links with our neighbouring schools and actively work with them to ensure that our small school is only small in number! At Cambo we ‘think big’ when it comes to the development of each child, each child’s curriculum, personal and social development and developing cultural capital.
How interventions are managed at Cambo to support those children who need more time and input
- We know our children well, we plan for children with SEND to come into school and transition through year groups
- As a small school staff we talk about our children regularly and share progress and interventions
- We have quality-first teaching
- high staff /child ratio where possible whether staff/volunteers
- early identification prior to Reception [strong links with PVI setting] and during school
- PLPs in place to develop support plans and ensure we have the required two waves of intervention should we need to progress concerns.
- Strong external links with relevant services e.g. Educational Psychologist, Behaviour / ASD /speech and language.
- excellent highly qualified TA’s who are able to support groups and individual pupils effectively with enthusiasm.
- Support staff who are able to support the class teacher ably in teaching and learning
- External teaching support developed with Dyslexia/Dyscalculia support
- Strong CPD outlined in SEND tab
- We have good relationships with our families and share with them aims/objectives/actions
Long term curricular plan
Cambo Curricular LONG TERM PLAN example
16-17 annual curriculum [long term plan 17-18]
Partnership Shared Curriculum Progression Plans [developed with all staff across the partnership]
Morpeth Partnership Science Curriculum
Morpeth Partnership MFL learners
Morpeth Partnership Geographer (1)
Morpeth Partnership Curriculum
Morpeth Partnership Computer Scientist
Maths / Literacy planning
Project/Curriculum planning
Examples of Past projects pre 14/15:
Topic Wheels
- Medieval Pilgrims
- Space
- around the world in 80 days F and KS1
- Cambo Medieval year 3 and 4
- cambo space 11-12
- eco week plans
- magic and mystery ks plan
- marvellous me
- outdoor world ks 1
- space reception planning
Planning example:
Curriculum Plans
music science computing dt ks2 cambo