SOKS – Support our Kids [FORMERLY PTA]
The SOKS Committee welcomes all new families to our school community and Wraparound Service.
- Chair: Christine Graham
- Treasurer: Mrs. Vic Rees
- Secretary: Margaret Anderson,
Summer Fayre/Summer Party at the Robsons
Well done everyone what a super time we have had at both events! And wow look how much we have raised…
School fayre- £1300
Party- £2360 (each, for school and air ambulance)
Total- £3660
A great achievement by everyone involved and all those who attended the two events.
EASTER FAYRE SATURDAY 25th March 10-12 noon. Many thanks to everyone who come along to support the school and wraparound as we raised funds for our children! There was a raffle stalls, refreshments competitions and an easter egg hunt. The weather wasn’t fabulous but the rain held off. PHEW! SOKS managed to raise just short of £900.
Well done everyone, another successful event to raise money for Cambo School and Cambo Wraparound. You have all done a sterling job in such difficult times. How we managed to raise so much is a testament to your hard work. These are, as I have said difficult times!
Quiz Night
Back by popular demand!!!
Cambo Quiz Night!!!
Come and join us on the…
23rd November @ 7pm
Dyke Neuk Meldon
Come alone and join a team or find yourself a team of six.
Entry is £10 to include a pie and pea supper and quiz entry. Always a fun night and a great way to meet other school parents plus will help raise some desperately needed funds.
As always the pub could do with numbers for food so please let me know if you’re coming preferably before the 16th xxxx see you soon xxx
Linda 07557343869
Sent from my iPhone
Easter Fayre
Our first real event since Covid… THE ANNUAL EASTER FAYRE! The weather held for us thankfully and everyone had a super time! We had stalls, face painting, egg hunting and lots more. With the help of our community we were able to raise well over a 1000 pounds. Many thanks to the Wraparound/ SOKs committees. What a fabulous job you did to make this happen.
Well done everyone for supporting us too!
Autumn Raffle/Silent Auction
What a difference covid and a year has made! But SOKS were not to be deterred!
Many thanks to the committee for organising the autumn raffle and auction. It seems really strange not having an Autumn Fayre! But they were not to be put off. Armed with raffle tickets they set off to raise money for the school and the Wraparound! Many thanks to everyone who supported them and the school, it was greatly appreciated. A special thankyou also goes out to those who provided raffle and auction prizes! We raised £740.00 so well done and thankyou all!
Well what a wash out with reference to fundraising this year. Blooming COVID has just had a dreadful impact on our ability to organise/hold events and I can’t see it changing for the Autumn term, even if our Autumn fayre is held outdoors. We did manage to hold one event post Autumn Fayre 2019. At Easter the PTA/Wraparound held an annual duck race. Parents/Community/Staff bought a number for a plastic duck and these were released on the River Wansbeck! I am pleased to say my little feathery friend came in third. YEYYYY! and together we raised over £200 for the school and wraparound. Lets keep our fingers crossed for 20-21. I know everyone has their thinking caps on re how we might raise funds!
Autumn Fayre 5th October 2019
I am hoping I haven’t left anyone out, if I have it is not because I don’t want to thank you but because I have gone round the room thinking of the faces I saw and the people whom I knew had orchestrated the Autumn Fayre, to the people who donated items for the fayre, to those who bought raffle tickets and to those who attended on the day. And what a day. The stress was unbelievable… Would the weather hold, would the football tournament go ahead, would people come… Thankfully we managed all three. We raised £1,130 but more importantly the day was a successful start to the school year. it was a pleasure to see past parents, and our lovely past pupils…What a day!
Spring Fayre
Well done to everyone who organised and supported our Spring Fayre. The weather and the atmosphere were so lovely! Everyone had lots of fun and supported a very good cause e.g. the school and Wraparound, or rather all of our Cambo children from babes to 9!
A special well done to the Cambo PTA/Wraparound Fundraising Committee and all of those parents/Grand parents who were on stalls! I am pleased to say they raised £1306.25!!! WOW!!!!!.
Christmas Meal
Many thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas meal at Lollo Rosso, We were able to raise over 400 pounds. The funding will be used to support the building of the Wraparound Conservatory.
Bingo Bonanza
Please come along and support Cambo Young Farmers and Cambo First School at this event. Please see the flyer attached.
Easter Fayre 24th March 18
Many thanks to everyone who helped to make our Easter Fayre a really brilliant event! Those donating, those giving their time and those who came to spend their money and have a good time. What a wonderful morning! The sun shone and we made over 1.000. This money will be put to good use in developing our wraparound conservatory!
Christmas Fayre 6/12/17
Well done to Lindsay Rutherford for organising our Christmas Fayre. There were some lovely stalls and lots of Christmas Goodies. The Prosecco and mince pie were lovely too! Lindsay managed to raise over £120. So well done.
The Great Cambo Raffle 1st December 2017
Well done everyone who supported the Great Cambo Raffle either in buying tickets or in donating prizes, or indeed both! With your support we raised £342.86. A fantastic amount! Well done to Sharon Dickinson for all her hard work and enthusiasm!
Quiz Night at the Ox
SOKS/Wraparound held a quiz night at the Ox on Tuesday the 21st November 2018. They managed to raise £560, a phenomenal amount! Well done everyone I know school and Wraparound will spend the money wisely! Thanks also go to those people who attended the evening.
Great North Run 2018
Many thanks to the parents who raised funds for our London Trip in the spring term 18. Rachel and Julie managed to complete the event and raise over 500 pounds.This will go a long way to paying for our Theatre experience! Many thanks! I know other parents ran the race for other worthy causes and some, bless picked up injuries and just couldn’t run this year. Well done everyone.
7th October
Many thanks to everyone today. To THE PTA/SOKS Christine, Donna and Vic for the organisation and day to day getting ready for the Fayre, [to everyone who helped out on the day both adults and children alike! Many thanks to Dawn and Carol in the kitchen and many thanks to all the parents who supported us in a very worthy cause. I am not sure of the actual total but I know School and Wraparound will have very good things to spend it on!!!!
Without your had work, enthusiasm and good will I am not sure what we would do without you!
Many thanks to everyone for their support at our Christmas Book Fayre with your support we were able to purchase 384.00 worth of books for school and Pre School. A big thankyou to SOKs! Many thanks also to Linda Thompson who is selling Usborne books on behalf of the school and Wraparound and to the parents once again, we have gained some lovely new reading scheme books. FABULOUS ALL AROUND!
WOW a big thank you to Lindsay Rutherford for her impromptu Christmas Fayre held at Cambo Village Hall with the support of the community she managed to raise over £400! WOW!
Well done to SOKs for hosting a very ghoulish disco on behalf of the school and wraparound! They managed to raise £301.00 and more importantly the children had a fabulous time!
Many thanks to everyone once again for making our Autumn Fayre such a success. It was good to see everyone at the event, and what a lovely sunny day it was too! With your support we were able to raise over £1200! well done everyone we just know the money will be well spent this year across the school and wraparound!
2015/16 Fundraising
Sports Day – Barebecue July 16
Scholastic Book Fayre June 16
Easter Fayre April 16
Autumn Fayre
Many thanks to everyone for supporting the school fayre. £1665.05 was raised minus £190.38 expenses which leaves a grand total £1474.67! Can I thank the members of SOKs for all of their endeavours. So much hard work, effort , time and enthusiasm are needed to make it successful . The committee have worked tirelessly to benefit our children. They give their time freely and I/We are so grateful to them all.
Many, Many thanks to SOKS and all of the parents who have given the school over £2k for our visit to London in March, without their support we simply could not have managed the visit effectively!
Mrs. C.
Grant application for London
We gained £800 via Whittyrigg Wind Farm grant application and £200 from the Trevelyan Trust.
Scholastic Book Fayre
A big thank you to everyone for supporting our book fayre on Friday 21st November. Total cost of books purchased was £413.33 , which means we get £165.33 [40%] to spend on books.
Christmas Meal
Well done to everyone who supported our Christmas meal at the Chinese restaurant.
I have it on firm authority that a good night was had by all! And to boot they raised £660
for school and the wraparound.
Race Night
Well done to CAMBO YFC who held a fantastic Race Night on Saturday 15th November. By all accounts the community had a fantastic night and raised over a thousand pounds for Cambo YFC/Cambo School and Cambo Wraparound. Well done everyone who supported the initiative.
Halloween Event
What a super time the children had at Kirkharle village hall there were some very scary children that no one recognised! Well done to Cambo Wraparound re the organisation of the event all monies raised £300 are to be shared between Cambo Wraparound and Cambo First School.
Kirkharle Food and Craft Fayre
Well done to everyone who supported us at the Kirkharle Food and Craft Fayre! Boy was it windy and cold but very helpful in helping us to raise funds. The buckets on the entrance were particularly successful! There were some very, very cold children and adults including Mrs. Barron! Together with Wraparound we raised over £700. The money will be shared between the two facilities.
Autumn Fayre 27/9/14
Well done to everyone who supported us in our biggest fundraiser of the year. What a fantastic day we all had. The weather was brilliant and we have never seen so many smiles! The fooball was also fabulous. Well done to Cambo football teams who came second and fourth and first at KS1! There were loads of stalls and even a police car for the children to sit in. Many were arrested with handcuffs! luckily they were set free within minutes ! We raised £2.100 for the children in Cambo First School. SO ONCE AGAIN WELL DONE NEARLY EVERY FAMILY WAS PRESENT!
Fundraising last year
Between April 2013-2014 we have raised funds and provided the school with over £3000. This funding has been used to purchase: theatre tickets, transport, picnic tables and chairs and loads more! The PTA via the parents also pay for the photocopier rental!
This is a great deal of money and the school are absolutely thrilled with the support! How could we function without our community!